How To Protect Your Rental Property In Erie
Whether you’re renting out a single property or you are a real estate investor with an array of investment properties, you understand of how difficult it can be to protect a rental property in Erie. When empty, your place may be a prime target for burglars or intruders. And if you have tenants, you also have to try keeping your tenants secure.
Including a mixture of solutions like 24-hour monitoring and smart devices, here are several proven methods to assist in the protection of your Erie rental property.
Defend Your Investment With Home Security Monitoring
One of the best deterrents against theft or vandalism at your rental property is the installation of a home security system with monitoring. Your renters will rest easier if they feel protected against intruders, primarily when Erie is unfamiliar territory. In the event a burglar attempts to enter, your advanced alarm system will notify your monitoring professionals at ADT while the easy-to-hear alarm alerts your visitors or tenants. You also can have updates sent to your smartphone if a connected security camera spots unusual activity.

Smart Locks Make It Easier To Rotate Renters
If a renter vacates your property, sometimes it's tough to know if they will be gone forever. In the event they took a key with them, then they could possibly come back later. To combat this problem, you could install new locks every time a tenant leaves or utilize smart keypad locks that integrate with your home’s security. By using keypad locks, you can give each occupant a custom code that can deactivate when the lease ends. If past occupants return and use their old code on the keypad, you will get an alert on your phone.
Smart Home Automation Protects Your Rental Property In Erie -- Even If You’re Away
When you have a rental or vacation home in Erie, you you still have to ensure it’s protected, including when it’s not occupied. An effective way to achieve this is to make it look like there's someone home. By integrating your advanced home security with automated features like interior and exterior lights, audio systems, and thermostats, your unit will look occupied at all times. Set your lighting to turn on at specific hours during the day and night and let some music play for a while, and a potential burglar will quickly reconsider their plans. By using home automation with your security system, you can set schedules through a simple smartphone interface.
Securing Your Rental Property In Erie Is Easier With Customized Home Security
The benefits of a home security system for rental owners are many: 24-hour monitoring, convenient automation, and smart locks with key codes are only the beginning. Contact Secure24 Alarm Systems and our knowledgeable team will assist you in creating an ADT home security plan that fits your needs. Phone (814) 212-8989 or submit our online form to request service.